Policy & Copyright

The content provided by dtsinc.ca unless otherwise noted, is copyrighted © 2014 DTS Inc. All use of dtsinc.ca is subject to the terms and conditions set forth below.

All materials contained on dtsinc.ca, including all text and images, are copyrighted and are protected by applicable copyright laws. They may not be published, reproduced, copied, modified, uploaded, transmitted, posted, transferred or distributed in any way, without Diversified Technology Systems Inc. prior written consent.

Illustrations, photographs and computer drawings, etc. may be the property of DTS, or illustrators and photographers hired by DTS, its clients and/or suppliers, and are used on dtsinc.ca in accordance with individual agreements.

DTS attempts to make sure that all content and information on dtsinc.ca is current and accurate. However, DTS assumes no responsibility for, and makes no representation with respect to the accuracy of such information displayed here.

DTS is committed to respecting the privacy of individuals and recognizes the need of people with whom we do business and employees for the appropriate management and protection of any Personal Information that you agree to provide to us. We are committed to protecting the privacy of personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Email Disclaimer Statement

Confidentiality. Email sent by DTS may be legally privileged and is intended specifically for the recipient(s) named on the email. Modifications, disclosures, use or re-use of the information contained in an email is prohibited unless authorized by DTS.
Exclusion of Liability. The recipient(s) of an email from DTS recognizes that all data transmitted by electronic media may contain undetected viruses which can destroy or cause corruption of data. DTS is currently using anti-virus software to monitor all emails passing through its office. However, DTS makes no warranty whatsoever that by electronic media any email is free of viruses and shall have no liability for any corruption to data which may occur as a result of such transmission.

Policy & Copyright

Policy & Copyright

Policy & Copyright